Violett's cleaning
Chicagoland cleaning Service

We Are a Pet Friendly Service

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Monday - Friday
6.30am - 5pm
Saturday 7am - 1pm


We accept cash and checks

Visit: 587295

You don't have time to clean your house?

Don't worry

I can help youkeep your house cleancontact meand we can schedule your house to be cleaned weeklybi weekly or once a month

Services area

Violett’s Cleaning Service is efficient and tailor maids for our clients needs. We serves all surrounding Chicagoland areas Included :


East Dundee, Illinois

Zip codes:


Cleaning Linoleum
You can use soft soap or products specifically designed for cleaning this type of flooring, but avoid alkaline products or abrasive. If the floor is very dirty, scrub before washing it with turpentine. After washing, carefully wipe the floor with a cloth soaked linoleum smooth paste. Black streaks try to remove with a soft pencil eraser.
We provides services for: apartments, condos , houses and offices . Prices of our services may be obtained free in home consultation or a basic package rate quote over the phone. 630-269-4234 Violett